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Mohit Agarwal

~~Two year anniversary.~~

Cryptography, crime, terror, and surveillance [March 2022]

An essay exploring crime and terror in the modern world and their relation to cryptography and surveillance.

See here as a PDF.

Considering the nature of freedom of speech in the internet age [September 2021]

Thoughts on how the internet impacts considerations related to freedom of speech.

See here as a PDF.

The Stasi and the nature of surveillance [July 2021]

Somewhat of an exploration of the Stasi and their surveillance in East Germany. Written in a historical sense. Written for the Juila Wood essay competition at St. Hughs, Oxford.

See here as a PDF.

Freedom, decentralisation and the regulation of content on social media [April 2021]

Around 2000 words for a competition about regulation on social media.

Abstract: Regulation of social media is an important issue, given its prevalence and relevance, particularly with young people. Yet, regulation may be an exercise in futility, with an increasing focus on decentralisation and an emphasis on internet freedom.

Regulation makes sense on large, for-profit sites, but tackling issues such as the high levels of social media usage observed with young people and encouraging people to make better decisions about their social media use may be better uses of our energy than attempts at regulation.

See here as a pdf.